In the same vein as "publish or perish," I have heard recently the saying of "blog or perish." Thus, I have begun the practice of blogging to record my thoughts on educational technology and provide links to quality Web sites and articles that I find interesting and worthwhile. In this age of "infoclutter," I am attempting to develop practical instructional applications of developing technologies and provide educators with tools to implementing instructional technologies effectively. Recently, I have been looking at Web 2.0 tools such as wikis, social networking, social bookmarking, blogging, and RSS. I made the jump to del.icio.us for all of my Web bookmarks, began using an RSS aggregator to keep up with several Web sites and blogs including David Warlick's Two Cents Worth, created a MySpace account...and now I join the blogging world. I am also interested in MUVEs (Multi User Virtual Environments) and their educational potential, so I joined the SecondLife community. Once I get some new clothes for my avatar (wearing the generic SecondLife clothing is so newbie), I'll feel confident enough to go out and explore the islands. In the mean time, hello fellow bloggers and readers. I look forward to the blogging journey ahead! Labels: intro, MUVE, SecondLife, Web2.0 |