As I continue transferring my saved browser bookmarks to, I have come across some great Web sites that I had forgotten about. A few of them offer some excellent Flash or Shockwave educational games geared toward elementary students. As with many educational Web sites these days, there is a free version that is supported by ads and an ad-free "premium" version that contains additional content. One of the Web sites is, where the activities can be accessed by grade level as well as subject area. In the Arts area, I found the Music Maker activity (a somewhat elementary version of GarageBand) that allows students to create two instrument melodies. Under Thinking Games, students become engineers and create their own working "widgets".
Here's a picture of a simple widget that I made -
The widget activities can become quite challenging as additional pieces are introduced into the widget tool box.
Another great site with elementary games is UpToTen. The games on this site focus on lower elementary skills including matching, distinguishing differences, and coordination. This site is in English and French, so foreign language study students could also use this resource. The games on iKnowthat, UpToTen, and other educational Web sites can be played independently or as a group through the use of an interactive whiteboard, such as a SMART Board, which would involve tactile and kinesthetic modalities in the learning process. Labels: elementary, games, SMART Board |